Panchenko Taras Volodymyrovych

docent, Head of the Department of TTP

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences





compositional methods, Internet technologies, databases


He graduated from Kyiv University in 2001. He defended a diploma on “Development and implementation on the basis of Web-technologies of the Electronic Exchange of the Savings Bank for the purchase and sale of currencies” with a grade of “excellent” and received a master’s degree in computer science with honors. In 2001 he entered graduate school at the Department of Programming Theory. He works on the topic “Development of compositional methods and software to support them.” He has been working at the department since 2002.

Educational disciplines

Basics of Internet / intranet programming
Internet technologies

Profiles in E-systems


  1. Panchenko T.V. Propositional calculus for consecutive three-digit logic (McCarthy type systems) // Visnyk of Kyiv National University. Series: Phys.-Math. science. – 2000., issue 4. – P. 284-292.
  2. Panchenko T.V. Electronic Exchange of the Savings Bank of Ukraine // magazine “Corporate Systems”. – 2001. – №4. – P. 53-55.
  3. Panchenko T.V. The use of formal specifications for the development of the Electronic Exchange of the Savings Bank // Problems of programming.- 2002. – -21-2. – P. 161-167.
  4. Panchenko T.V. Use of formal specifications for software systems development // Visnyk of Kyiv National University. Series: Phys.-Math. science. – 2002. – issue. 2. – P. 245-256.
  5. Panchenko T.V. Universal system of authorization of money transfers // magazine “Corporate systems”. – 2002, №4. – P. 31-37.
  6. Panchenko T.V. Typification in compositional-nominative languages // Proceedings of the International scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Shevchenko’s spring. The current state of science, achievements, problems and prospects for development. Collection of abstracts. – 2003. – P. 66-68.
  7. Panchenko T.V. Composition Approach to Software Systems Modeling and its Support Tools // International Conference on Dynamical System Modeling and Stability Investigation. Thesis of Conference Reports, May 27-30, 2003. – P. 421.
  8. Panchenko T.V. Bank automation: realities and prospects // magazine “Corporate Systems”. – 2003. -? 3. – P. 19-24.
  9. Panchenko T.V. Modeling of data structures and functions over them in the compositional-nominative language ACoN // Problems of programming. – 2004. – -21-2. – P. 7-15.
  10. Nikitchenko M.S., Panchenko T.V. Data structures in composite programming languages // Visnyk of Kyiv National University. Series: Phys.-Math. science. – 2004. – issue. 2. – P. 316-325.
  11. Panchenko T.V. Methodology for proving the properties of programs in composite languages IPCL // Abstracts of the International Conference “Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Software Systems” (TAAPSD’2004). Kiev. – 2004. – P. 62-67.
  12. Panchenko I.V., Panchenko T.V. Optimization of the Call-center using the automated computer system Scheduling ISS v.1 // Abstracts of the International Conference “Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Software Systems” (TAAPSD’2004). Kiev. – 2004. – P. 272-274.