Nikitchenko Mykola Stepanovych


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences





formal programming models, programming languages and specification languages, formal software development methods, predicate logic at different levels of abstraction, abstract computability


Professor Nikitchenko M.S. developed fundamentally new mathematical formalisms for construction of compositional-nominative models of programs. These formalisms integrate programming theory with mathematical logic and algorithm theory on a single conceptual platform. The problem of A.P. Ershov on the definition and study of the concept of abstract computability of programs is solved. Complete classes of computed functions and compositions over data of different levels of abstraction and generality are described. For the first time the problem of construction, axiomatization and research of hierarchy of semantically oriented compositional-nominative logics, which essentially generalize classical to classes of partial, nondeterministic and infinitive predicates, is solved. On the basis of the offered integrated theory new methods of construction of the reliable software of modern information technologies with wide and adequate use of logical and algorithmic methods for check of its correctness and efficiency are developed.

Nikitchenko M.S. has participated in many international conferences around the world (Amsterdam, Warsaw, Hamburg, Kiel, Copenhagen, Moscow, Munster, Novosibirsk). He is one of the organizers of the international conference “Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Building Software Systems” (TAAPSD’2004). He was a member of the program committee of the International Congress on Formal Methods (France, 1999), VDM’90 conference. Since 1995 he has been a member of the program committee of the International Conferences on Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS). He is a member of the editorial board of The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming (ELSEVIER), a member of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) and the Association of Symbolic Logic (ASL). In 1992-1996 he was co-chairman of the Ukrainian branch of the IEEE computer society.

Professor Nikitchenko M.S. worked at the International Institute of Information Technology at the United Nations University (UNU / IIST, 1996) and as a visiting professor at the Danish Technical University (DTU, 1997-1998). He participates in international INTAS projects.

Academic awards and prizes

Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology (2003)

Laureate of the Taras Shevchenko Prize of the University of Kiev (2010)

Distinctions of the Academic Council of Taras Shevchenko National University (2011).

Educational disciplines

Theory of programming, bachelors, 3rd year.

Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms, bachelors, 2nd year (applied linguistics).

Formal methods of software systems development, masters, 1 course.

Profiles in E-systems


  1. Nikitchenko M.S. Compositional and nominative aspects of address programming // J.: “Cybernetics and systems analysis.” – 2009.– N.6.– p. 24–35
  2. Nikitchenko M.S., Shkilnyak S.S. Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms, textbook // K.-Kyiv University. – 2008. – 528 p.
  3. M.S. Nikitchenko, V.G. Tymofieiev Satisfiability and Validity Problems in Many-sorted Composition-Nominative Pure Predicate Logics // CCIS 347, pp. 89–110. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)
  4. M. Nikitchenko, A. Kryvolap Properties of inference systems for Floyd-Hoare logic with partial predicates // Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, Vol. 13 No. 4, 2013, pp. 70-78.
  5. I. Ivanov, M. Nikitchenko, U. Abraham On a Decidable Formal Theory for Abstract Continuous-Time Dynamical Systems // CCIS 469, pp.78-99, Springer, (2014)

List of publications for 2010-2017

Curriculum Vitae