Greetings from the Head

Today we are witnesses as well as active participants in the all-consuming convergence of technologies.
Deep integration and interpenetration of theory and technology in the field of IT leads to a combination of science and practice, creates a great need for specialists in Ukraine and around the world.
That is why the Department of Theory and Technology of Programming closely combines two aspects of knowledge – scientific (theoretical) and practical (technological).
The scientific potential and practical achievements (achievements) of the department allow to train specialists in informatics of different qualification levels – from bachelor to master, as well as candidates and doctors of sciences.
Graduates have a wide range of opportunities due to the fundamental training received at the Department of TTP.
Graduates of our department work in many leading state and commercial institutions (V. Protsenko, A. Protasov, S. Voronov, A. Zhezherun, O. Romanovsky, B. Bespaly, O. Gurevich, D. Kokhmanyuk, V. Kanivets, V. Forsyuk and others), are owners, co-owners and founders of well-known companies (I. Basarab, S. Gulchuk, V. Pekar, M. Hlybovets), as well as hold high government positions (MPs B. Gubsky, A. Belous).
We invite you to the Department of Theory and Technology of Programming! The world of computer science is endless.