



AI, computer vision, machine learning, generative models, diffusion models, transformers, ViT, multispectral imageries, Explainable AI, Neural network architectures, remote sensing data fusion.

Educational disciplines

  1. Object-oriented programming
  2. Methods and technologies of development of software products
  3. Actual problems of Data Mining
  4. Cross-platform and multi-platform technologies
  5. Modern operating systems
  6. Formal methods of developing software systems


  1. Yurii Pushkarenko, Volodymyr Zaslavskiy. Principal Curve Trajectory Analysis // Збірник наукових праць Військового Інституту Київського Національного Університету ім. Тараса Шевченка. Серія: Військова техніка і технології подвійного призначення, 2021, № 73, с. 17–29. https://doi.org/10.17721/2519-481X/2021/73-03
  2. Yurii Pushkarenko, Volodymyr Zaslavskiy. Research on the state of areas in Ukraine affected by military actions based on remote sensing data and deep learning architectures. Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, 2024(2), 5-18. doi: https://doi.org/10.32620/reks.2024.2.01 (Q3)(SCOPUS)
  3. Yurii Pushkarenko, Volodymyr Zaslavskiy. 2024. Synthetic Data Generation for Fraud Detection using Diffusion models. Digilience-2024, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  4. Yurii Pushkarenko, Volodymyr Zaslavskiy. 2024. Multiscale Scene Localization Based on Composite Network for Remote Sensing Imageries: A Case Study on Critical Infrastructure. 14th International IEEE Conference Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies Greece, Athens.